OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews

OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / OWTK Kindie Music News

Robbie Schaefer’s ONE VOICE Festival Recap

The girls and I drove down to Gaithersburg, MD on Tuesday to attend Robbie Schaefer’s One Voice Festival, a benefit event for his non-profit organization of the same name. In addition to narrowly losing out on a pair of silent auctions – you all were thisclose to hearing me as […]

Holy Hot Heat Alert Philadelphia Families: Stay Cool Tonight with Alex and the Kaleidoscope Band
OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / OWTK PHILLY LOCAL / Philly

Holy Hot Heat Alert Philadelphia Families: Stay Cool Tonight with Alex and the Kaleidoscope Band

It’s 95 damn degrees in Philadelphia today.  Un-air conditioned schools are closing early.  It’s nasty out there. Fortunately, there’s an affordable way for your family to beat the heat tonight indoors at the very air conditioned Plays & Players Theater on lovely tree-lined Delancey Street.  Philly’s own Alex and the […]

OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / OWTK Kindie Music News

Kid’s Concert Recap: Dan Zanes & Friends at Sesame Place

A Dan Zanes & Friends concert is always a high-quality event and today’s outdoor amusement park setting did nothing but aid the insta-party vibe Zanes goes for and achieves at a remarkable rate. Like the 2nd Justin Roberts show we saw at Sesame Place last month, the 11:30am Zanes set […]

OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / So Much Time So Little To Do

Kid’s Concert Recap: Justin Roberts and the Not Ready for Naptime Players Live at Sesame Place

JR & the NR4NP took the Abby’s Paradise Theater stage at Sesame Place a total of 6 times over the course of this past weekend. OWTK was lucky enough to catch the first two sets on Sunday, the 2nd of which I’ve dubbed the OWTK set as it featured pretty […]

OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / OWTK Kindie Music News

Brady Rymer Live on Sirius/XM Kids Place Live

OWTK was lucky enough to be in the audience for the live Brady Rymer and the Little Band That Could concert taping at XM Radio’s D.C. studio yesterday.  The hour long set features many songs from “Love Me For Who I Am”, including “Picky Eater”, “Who Wants To Wear Shoes?”, […]

The 2011 Meltdown Festival Recap
OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / OWTK Kindie Music News

The 2011 Meltdown Festival Recap

The OWTKids enjoyed 8 bands, 4 author readings, 2 hotel swimming pools, 1 Bart’s cookie dough ice cream cone, a half dozen free Stonyfield yogurts, a bag of Gummi Bears, and 4 yards of Twizzlers. Yeah, it was a good trip. The 2011 Meltdown Family Book & Music Festival assembled […]

Kid’s Theater Review: Pasta! A Pop Ups Puppet Musical

Kid’s Theater Review: Pasta! A Pop Ups Puppet Musical

Half rock show, half puppet show, half off-Broadway musical.  PASTA! A Pops Ups Puppet Musical is WAY more than the sum of it’s outrageously fun parts. OWTK caught the end of PASTA’s last run at the Soho Playhouse, in late-December ’10.  What we witnessed was quite possibly the greatest live […]

OWTK’s 2010 Austin City & Kiddie Limits Festival Recap
OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / OWTK Kindie Music News

OWTK’s 2010 Austin City & Kiddie Limits Festival Recap

Hah, tricked ya! I wasn’t in Austin two weekends ago.  In fact, I’ve never once had the privilege of stepping foot in the capital of Texas. Fear not – the kindie rock blog community was well represented at the Kiddie Limits stage of the famed Austin City Limits Festival, and […]

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