OWTK Kid's Concert Reviews / OWTK Kindie Music News

The 2011 Meltdown Festival Recap

The OWTKids enjoyed 8 bands, 4 author readings, 2 hotel swimming pools, 1 Bart’s cookie dough ice cream cone, a half dozen free Stonyfield yogurts, a bag of Gummi Bears, and 4 yards of Twizzlers. Yeah, it was a good trip.

The 2011 Meltdown Family Book & Music Festival assembled a super impressive lineup of kid’s musicians and authors, gymnastics exhibits, fencing demonstrations, science experiments, and so much more.   OWTK was more than happy to make the 5 hour drive to take it all in again this year.

Musical highlights included finally getting to see Lunch Money, Joe’s Backyard Band and the Bramble Jam live, seeing Flannery Brothers perform with a full band & horn section, and hearing Mister G with a gaggle of kids as choir.

We loved hearing Jeanne Birdsall reading some of the not-yet-released new Pendwicks Book (The Penderwicks at Point Mouette), Jon Scieszka telling a hilarious story from his book Knucklehead, and watching Jarrett Krosoczka draw Lunch Lady then battle another illustrator (who’s name escapes me) in an amazing squiggle contest.  This might have been the best single thing that happened all day.  My little artists were transfixed.

We also witnessed, in the true spirit of music festivals, a few collaborations:

I’ve uploaded more photos from the day here.

And I have some videos as well:

Joe’s Backyard Band “Cities with Seagulls” (f/ great sax playing and out-of-rhythm shakers courtesy of the children in the crowd)

Brady Rymer with Justin Lansing (of the Okee Dokee Brothers) “Light of Love”

The Bramble Jam “Pancakes”


Can’t wait until Meltdown 2012. I’m sure Bill Childs and Jarrett Krosoczka are already thinking about the bands and authors they want to invite.

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