OWTK Kid's Music Monthly Podcast / OWTK Kindie Music News

OWTK Kid’s Music Monthly Podcast – August 2012 Playlist

The summer is nearly over — my kids start school again in less than 3 weeks!! — man did that go by quickly!

What does this have to do with the August episode of OWTK Kid’s Music Monthly Pod? Absolutely nothing, but I needed to start this playlist post with something…so there you have it.

Here’s the musical goodness heard on the August episode of the OWTK Kid’s Music Monthly Podcast:

  1. Clementown “Kansas City Octopus” from PolkaBats and Octopus Slacks
  2. Coal Train Railroad “I’m Diggin’ Me” from Coal Train Railroad Swings!
  3. Randy Kaplan “Ice Cream Man Rag” from Mr. Diddie Wah Diddie
  4. Okee Dokee Brothers “Do Re Mi” from Keep Hoping Machine Running
  5. The Bears Upstairs “Caterpillar in a Cocoon” from The Bears Upstairs
  6. Lunch Money “Time Out” from Spicy Kid
  7. The Bazillions “Super Sonic Rocket Bike” from Rock-n-Roll Recess
  8. Flannery Brothers “Kitchen Floor” from New Explorers Club
  9. The Harmonica Pockets “Diaperman” from Apple Apple
  10. Alexandra Geis “Odd Girl Out” single

Consider purchasing some or all of the songs I played this month. A little support of these hard-working independent family artists goes a long way.

Pick up the Alexandra Geis “Odd Girl Out” single here:

And The Bears Upstairs’ tune here:

*neither are on Amazon yet.

It’s the Golden Age of Family Music and I’m proving it every single month. Don’t miss a single episode — past or future — by subscribing right now to the OWTK Kid’s Music Monthly Podcast on iTunes for free!

Thanks for listening, I appreciate it. And the bands do too.

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