You’ve written for Esquire, Cosmo, The Huffington Post, PBS, The Good Men Project, iVillage.com, Time Out New York Kids Magazine, Family Vacation Critic, and Traveling Dad, will you write for my magazine/website?
I think I might like that!  Let’s chat. Send me an email: Jeff@OWTK.com

You’ve appeared on HuffPost Live, Fox News Live, WHYY’s Radio Time, and 6ABC Action News, will you be a guest on my TV show/podcast/radio show?
Sounds fun! Go ahead and send me an email: Jeff@OWTK.com

We have a destination, hotel, restaurant or attraction that we’d love to have you write stories about and photograph. Are you and your kids available for press trips?
Sure thing! We love to travel and can provide unique photography, video and storytelling for you. Let’s talk! Jeff@OWTK.com

A lot of your photos on OWTK and your Instagram feed are beautiful (aw, shucks, thanks!). What kind of camera do you use?
I was proud to partner with Samsung USA and a member of their U.S. Imagelogger team and still use their bodies and lenses, most commonly now (in 2018) the Samsung NX1 and a variety of lenses, but the 50-150mm S lens is my baby.

Are you PR friendly?
Eek. That’s kind of a loaded question in the blog world. Short answer is, yes, I do work with brands and PR firms on campaigns. The longer answer is also yes, but the brand and campaign have to be a perfect fit for me, my family and the framework of what I am trying to do here on OWTK, which is to tell stories about family travel, childhood and parenthood through a unique lens. Got a product or a brand or a campaign you think might be a fit? Awesome, I’d love to hear more about it. Go ahead and send me an email: Jeff@OWTK.com

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