In a Hollywood game of one-upwomanship, celebs are increasingly bequeathing to their newborn children the most outlandish names. Indie rock bands, on the other hand, carry forward a long tradition of obscure monikers mixing states of being with colors, and the odd animal species tossed in for good measure. In 2014, it is becoming increasingly difficult to know where the baby registry stops and the SXSW showcase starts. Thus, the ultimate celeb baby name or indie rock band quiz!
Here’s how to play the celeb baby name or indie rock band quiz:
Below are 16 names. 10 are names of actual babies born in the last few years to celebrities (defined very loosely, as per lowered 21st century standards) and 6 are names of actively recording and touring bands. Find the six indie rock band names in the list below and you’ll be eligible to win a prize! Remember: CHEATING SUCKS. NO SEARCHING THE INTERNET FOR ANSWERS. Have fun and take your best guesses!
Once you think you’ve found the 6-pack of indie rockers, email your answers with ‘QUIZ’ in the subject line to to see if you’ve won!!
*Prizes include, but are not limited to, a Cygnett iPad mount for your car’s headrest, a box of Spongebob Band-Aids, a Powerocks portable device charger, an iPad microscope, and more. Prizes will be awarded at the complete discretion of me, myself and I. Open to U.S. and Canada contestants only…unless you want to cover the postage costs to wherever you live. The celeb baby name or indie rock band quiz will remain open through the end of March at which point I will announce the winners and reveal the answers. One entry per person, per email address please. And seriously, don’t be a douche — no cheating.