Post Tagged with: "baby names"

Take The Ultimate Celeb Baby Name or Indie Rock Band Quiz And Win Prizes!!
Parenting Blog

Take The Ultimate Celeb Baby Name or Indie Rock Band Quiz And Win Prizes!!

In a Hollywood game of one-upwomanship, celebs are increasingly bequeathing to their newborn children the most outlandish names. Indie rock bands, on the other hand, carry forward a long tradition of obscure monikers mixing states of being with colors, and the odd animal species tossed in for good measure. In […]

The Most Popular Baby Names of 2018 So Far!
Parenting Blog

The Most Popular Baby Names of 2018 So Far!

**An expanded version of this list is now running on The Huffington Post. Go there to check out names 18, 19, and 20!** Gone are the classics Tom, Dick, and Harry for boys, and so long to Desiree, Summer, and Brittttaniiii for girls. The first half of 2018 has been […]

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