Post Tagged with: "Netflix"

Beat Bugs Brings The Beatles Music to Netflix This August

Beat Bugs Brings The Beatles Music to Netflix This August

Check this out, music lovers… Come August 2016, a new Netflix original animated show called BEAT BUGS will have you and your kids falling in love with The Beatles all over again thanks to newly reimagined Beatles covers performed by the likes of Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam doing “Magical […]

I’m Skipping The Big Game For Mike Birbiglia and You Can Too on Netflix

I’m Skipping The Big Game For Mike Birbiglia and You Can Too on Netflix

The NFL is sad. With its concussions, cover-ups, CTE, witch hunts, slimy commissioner, domestic abuses, and phony controversies, the shield is forever tarnished. Netflix, on the other hand, is hilarious. I’m skipping the Big Game, the sexist commercials and the boring 17-minutes of game action wrapped inside a 4-hour advertisement […]

Surving Snowmageddon ’16

Surving Snowmageddon ’16

Being hammered relentlessly for 28 hours by a blizzard with a boy-band name and then subsequently being trapped in one’s home that’s like-magic still connected to a fully functioning power grid would, on paper, seem the ideal opportunity to binge watch the holy hell out of some Netflix cartoons with […]

Giving The Gift of Netflix (And Chill, If You’re So Inclined)
Parenting Blog

Giving The Gift of Netflix (And Chill, If You’re So Inclined)

Netflix, along with NHL Center Ice (go Red Wings!) and FuboTV (Barca! Barca! Barca!), enabled us to cut cable in 2015. That’s like $140 extra bucks in my wallet each month. For this I am thankful. Oh wait, I’m a holiday behind. We don’t give thanks now, for now we […]

At Home Alone With Narcos on Netflix

At Home Alone With Narcos on Netflix

September is not a time for youthful Netflix viewing ’round these parts. Instead of snuggling up on cool mornings beneath a fuzzy blanket with the adorable little Roku control in their hands, my daughters are busy falling into a scholastic rhythm which includes, among other things, the restart of nightly […]

My Daughters’ Top Four Reasons For Loving Project Mc² on Netflix

My Daughters’ Top Four Reasons For Loving Project Mc² on Netflix

Project Mc² is a brand new show for girls who exist in the 21st-century’s O.M.G. L.O.L. pop culture world but do so not at the expense of their wit and smarts. Project Mc² is a show for and about confident young women who are brilliant and funny, and who aren’t […]

Taking Netflix On The Road

Taking Netflix On The Road

It’s gonna be a hot, hot summer as we go coast to coast on the great American road trip. The days will be fun, but also long and tiring for all of us but especially for those with smaller legs and lower endurance levels. That’s why we’re taking Netflix on […]

Opening Up Dad’s Netflix Family Heirloom Vault

Opening Up Dad’s Netflix Family Heirloom Vault

My first 8 years were spent on a slab. A rectangle of concrete with a modest square patch of green which put a slight distance between us and our quiet suburban street, the name of which I can no longer conjure. I don’t recall too much about the ranch house, […]

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