Parenting Blog

Hockey Jerseys and The Play Habits of My Daughters

*Below is an excerpt from a new story of mine that has been published today on You Plus 2 Parenting, as part of their annual 28 Days Of Play story series. The entirety of the tale of old hockey jerseys and the play habits of my daughters can be found here.

Dad and Daughters Red Wings Hockey Fans

I’d plopped myself down about 10 minutes earlier, pulled up to my chest the fuzzy Detroit Red Wings blanket I’ve had and have cherished since my late teens, and rested beneath a cat already fast asleep on my lap. That’s when the Earth so frustratingly rotated, as it’s wont to do, and placed a beam of early morning sunlight smack dab in my right eye. So. Very. Frustrating.

Up I went, disturbing the sleepy tabby and the ruffling the smoothness of the cherry red blanket, to retrieve a pair of hockey jerseys I keep hung in the laundry room a few steps away, for just this type of brightly lit occasion. These are my curtain-hack ‘shirtains’ or, in this case, more appropriately but less humorously, ‘jerseyains’. With the sunlight muted, I assumed my previous position of warmth and comfort, and watched the Premiere League soccer match that pulled me out of bed in the first place on that Saturday morning. All the while, my two daughters played together, steps away, with nary a thought of me, my blanket, the cat or the decades-old red and white jerseys that were now hanging ridiculously from the top of the windowsill. This is how’s it has been for many years and I have only myself to blame and congratulate…

Continue reading on You Plus 2 Parenting 28 Days of Play!

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