OWTK Kindie Music News

Watch This: Key Wilde and Mr. Clarke “Armando Armadillo” Music Video

Key Wilde and Mr Clarke Animal Tales CD Cover Art

This song from Animal Tales, the new album by the incomparable Key Wilde & Mr. Clarke is my absolute favorite kindie tune of the moment. And that moment is going on 4 weeks old. There’s something quietly seductive about that Spanish acoustic lead guitar, dancing eloquently in the gaps, as a Spanish guitar is known to do. I can’t stop hearing it long after the song is over which is good, really, because I don’t want it out of my ears.

I played “Armando Armadillo” on the November episode of the OWTK Kid’s Music Monthly podcast and now there’s a Brady Bunch meets Frogger-style illustrated video for it direct from the drawing table of the very talented Mr. Key Wilde himself.

Enjoy Key Wilde and Mr. Clarke’s “Armando Armadillo” music video:

Also, can we talk about just how lovely that script font is on the Animal Tales album cover. My lordy, I love it.

And now consider buying the damn thing! This song, and the album from which it comes, is wonderful.

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