OWTK Giveaways

The Future is Bright, Robotic and Doesn’t Smell Like Cat Pee (PLUS A HUGE LITTER ROBOT GIVEAWAY)

We’re years away from robot maids (but let’s not kid ourselves, they’re coming. I’m looking at you Elon Musk) but a robotic litter box is pretty darn close to futuristic and that’s here now. Right now. Like, at one point in time you had to hold bread (probably not even sliced!) over an open fire if you wanted to toast it up before spreading on some of the butter you’d been churning all morning, but then one day, one magical day, BOOM, there were toasters. And life was immediately so much better. That was the future then. This is the future now.

Some day soon we’ll look back on the era of scoop-it-yourself litter boxes for our cats much in this same way – how very primitive and unsophisticated we all were! How past tense of us! But we are here now and this is the future. Welcome, get comfy, it’s rather luxurious here. We have robots.

You’ll balk at the price because sticker shock is real when it comes to futuristic robotic litter boxes but if you pause for a moment to reflect upon how much the Litter-Robot Open Air will dramatically and immediately improve the quality of your life, the cost doesn’t seem that staggering. I’m serious. Toasters were probably pricey back in the day too. Oh, how much are we talking about here? $449. And it’s worth every.single.one of those cents.

Free Litter Robot 2016

The Litter-Robot Open Air is worth the price tag (but, psst, you have a chance to win one of 30 of them below…but keeping reading) not only because I’m tall, have a bad back, and because no one else in my house seems even the slightest bit interested in maintaining a clean non-robotic little box. I despise having to get my 6’ 4” self down on the laundry floor to scoop two little boxes every day but such was our set-up before this marvelous machine came into my and my cats’ life.

Now, there’s just a single little box in the laundry room next to my office, and it is a robotic little box that cleans itself after every single #1 or #2 our two cats drop inside, meaning there’s never a smell, not even the faintest whiff of an odor coming from it. All I need to do is pull out the bottom compartment and dump it whenever the blinking blue light tells me to (or every Monday night before our weekly trash day). The future is so very easy-peasy.

Free Litter Robot 2016

*UPDATE (Can I UPDATE a post I am just now publishing?)
On Sunday the girls and I went to the SPCA to drop off a trash bag full of old bath towels. They always need ‘em for the dogs and cats they care for and I always need to get old stuff outta my house; we’re a perfect match. When we make these periodic donations, it is impossible for us to get out the door without a quick or at least quick-ish stroll around the cat room. My girls and I ooh and aah over the dozen or dozen and a half rescued and surrendered kitties waiting to find a new home. We say their names out loud to each other with puppy dog bottom lips to amp up the sweetness, and each ends up sounding cuter than the last: Chester, Ella, Emma, Santa, Professor Herbert Snugglesworth III (not really, but how adorable would that be?)

And then we saw her, an 8-year-old ball of white, brown and black fuzz with a wolf’s tail and yellow eyes that could melt the whole of Minnesota in the wintertime. The volunteer smelled our weakness and so he put the softest hard sell on by sitting down on the floor and opening the door to her tiny, caged temporary tenement apartment. She was on his lap in the time it takes your brain to make your eyes wider than pancakes, which is what Bear, Mouse and I did when we saw her and heard her hoarse purring glee.

Frankly, it’s a wonder we didn’t just scoop her up off his lap and run out the door right then and there but we had a trunk full of other stuff that needed to exit our house, plus we needed buy in from mom. That came a few hours later and about 45 minutes after that, we had a new member of our family.

Meet Trixie Wish Jr Bogle, the fluffiest fox-tailed lap cat on planet Earth.

Soon, once she’s acclimated to her new surroundings and introductions to Tilly and Whisper have been made, she’ll join her two sisters in the futuristic, fantastic, wondrous Litter-Robot Open Air. Ok, not all three at the same time, but hey I know ladies like to go to the bathroom together, so I’m not ruling anything out.
Okay, now here’s the really fun part of this story for YOU! Visit free.litter-robot.com right now and all month long for your chance to win INCREDIBLE prizes — prizes like Litter-Robot Open Air litter boxes!! Here’s what’s up for grabs throughout the whole of December:

I‘ve partnered with Litter-Robot to share this story (which wasn’t supposed to be a story about us getting another cat!) and to share news of their December giveaway extravaganza. Enter now for your chance to win one of 30 Litter-Robot Open Air units or other great prizes.







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