Parenting Blog

New Parenting Style: Multihyphenated Parenting

There are many synonyms for “parenting”.

“Careful Captain” is one. That’s what I called my wife for the first, hmmmm, 8 years or so of our oldest daughter’s life. It was a parade of “Oh sweetie, be careful!” and “You’re too close to the street, be careful!” coming from her, much to my chagrin. 

The most obvious parenting synonym though is “multitasking” because, I mean, you’re a parent too, right? Rarely is there a moment where we are doing just a single solitary thing.

Maybe you’re a snot-wiper-hug-giver-booboo-kisser-extraordinaire.

Or a diaper-changing-dinner-cooking-floor-sweeping-book-reading-nap-alongside-your-toddler-master.

Whatever words fit you best, you’re a multi-hyphenate super parent! And Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes are the all-purpose-cleaner-disinfecter-and-scrubber-if-you-need-it super tool for parents.

Me? I’m a lunch-packing-juice-pouring-carpet-vacuuming-laundry-doing-traveling-photographing-storytelling-chauffeuring-argument-mediating-daughter-encouraging-feminist dad boss. Sure, that doesn’t quite fit on a business card but it’s the most accurate representation of who I am and what I do just about every day of the year.

It’s summertime now so, like the fog getting thicker, my own personal list of hyphenated dad jobs is getting laaaarger.

In that way, I’m a lot like Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes. They clean it all and kill 99.9% of germs that can live on surfaces for up to 48 hours, as well as 99.9% of viruses* and bacteria – plus Staph, E. Coli, salmonella and strep. They are the only cleaning-and-disinfecting-mess-eraser multi-hyphenate that can keep up with the pace of family life.

My family life.

Your family life.

My house isn’t huge, it’s a rancher that while seemingly going on forever is, in reality, only about 1500 square feet. Still, there are canisters of CDW at either end, in the hall bathroom closet and in the laundry room. But Jeff, why is that necessary when you’re kids are older? Um, have you met my 10-year-old??!

Now it’s your turn! Tell me about your multifaceted role as a parent and showcase how Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes (original or with MicroScrubbers) fit into your mess-fighting arsenal.

For the chance to win a $50 Gift Card from me plus a sweet suite of Clorox all-purpose-cleaner-disinfecter-and-scrubber-because-your-toddler-just-tipped-over-the-snack-table-wipes from Clorox, leave a comment with your own unique multihypenated cleaning name by linking your first name with the surface you clean the most on a daily/weekly/monthly basis and the word ‘Scrubber’ (Jeff Kitchen-Counter-Scrubber, for example). For unofficial bonus points, extend your multi-hyphenated name even longer to encompass aaaaaaall the stuff you do for, and aaaaaaall the stuff you clean up after, your kids!

*OWTK is a brand partner with Clorox. All opinions expressed above are honest and unbiased, as always.

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