I like to reciprocate, always.
In fact, acts of service and gift giving are my love languages. It’s how I demonstrate love and affection for others.
My yearning to give and to give back is true on Father’s Day too.
Father’s Day is a day that is, by definition, carved out to celebrate me but without my wife and without the two daughters we made together, the third Sunday in June would be nothing more than the third Sunday in June.
It’d be a fine enough day but not a cause for celebration or for gift giving.
Before I get to the uncommon goodies I’m fawning over from Uncommon Goods this father’s day, here’s a little something from Uncommon Goods I will buy my wife and my daughters to celebrate they day they have gifted me.
Because glass ceilings unfortunately are still in need of shattering, and to remind them always that I’ll be by their side with a hammer, slingshot and a bloody fist to help them break through:
Now for me!
My lordy where to begin with this website?!
There are literally hundreds of rad and unusual finds on Uncommon Goods, including a number of super unique gifts for sports fans that will really blow the mind of the gift recipient (a leather wallet made lined with game worn baseball jerseys? game used hockey puck bottle openers??)
I feel extra good with our family’s money being spent on Uncommon Goods because it’s a company paying its employees well above minimum wage, with more than 50% of its products handmade and a third made from recycled and/or upcycled materials, and Uncommon Goods gives back to communities and non-profit organizations.
I’ve spent days narrowing my choices down to these top six fathers day gifts for sale I’d be over the moon to receive.
The Perfect Gifts For An Uncommon Father’s Day
Baseball Stadium Blueprint
This framed and matted 20” x 26” ode to America’s pastime, as well as to art & design, is stunning no matter which ballpark you select.
For me, it is all about Tiger Stadium.
The Detroit Tigers were my first true love as an 8 year old boy watching Kirk Gibson and Sweet Lou Whitaker. Visited Tiger Stadium with my parents for an entire series against the Cleveland Indians in 1987 as an impressionable 11 year old was the birth of my lifelong connection to the Motor City. I visited the field and remnants of the entrance gate to old Tiger Stadium that still stands along Michigan Avenue with my kids a couple years back and was in tears watching them run the bases of the ground that I attended when I was their age. I would absolutely love to hang Uncommon Goods’ gorgeous piece of that history in my office.
The Uncommon Good Baseball Stadium Blueprints are also available in team colors!
(Root) Beer Cap Map USA
I’m REALLY into good craft root beer. Maybe you’ve heard.
As we drive cross country this summer I’m going to be on the hunt for two things: vinyl records by bands from the states we are visiting (and bought from indie record stores), and local craft root beer! I’m going to display all of the bottle caps of all the craft root beers I enjoy during the trip on this awesome map of the USA from Uncommon Goods! Man that’s going to look so cool when filled up!
Game Used Hockey Puck Bottle Opener
I’d have to be careful in opening my craft root beers so as to not bend too drastically the cap (so that I can display them in the Beer Cap Map above!) but oh man I’d love to just hold and display a game used puck from one of my beloved Detroit Red Wings home games played at Joe Louis Arena. I’m honestly tearing up a bit just thinking about this. Excuse me a moment while I compose myself…
Fire Escape Shelf
The Bear has this in her room. We bought it for her from Uncommon Goods a couple of years ago and I’ve been jealous ever since. This Fire Escape Shelving is STUNNING. She uses it to display her Pop! Figures but I’d like my own Uncommon Goods Fire Escape Shelf to hang in my office!
Travel Stub Diary
Okay, so yes I would like this but the idea of travel stub diaries will soon go the way of the dinosaur, an inevitable fact that saddens me greatly. You see, I love collecting ticket stubs from sporting events, bus and metro fares in foreign cities, and passes to touristy places like the Eiffel Tower but printed tickets that are something more special than a white piece of regular print-at-home printer paper are becoming increasing hard to come by. Just last week I went to an Orlando City soccer match and that venue is 100% paperless! It’ll be hard to put a smartphone screenshot of a QR code into my Travel Stub Diary but I’m going to be the last holdout of being able to flip through a diary to see the places I’ve been and the things I’ve done. It’s like a real life version of Instagram and I love it still!
Parlor Ice Cream Mixing Set
I’m finishing with something for my baby girl, who is turning 10 this weekend. She loves to prepare food and serve it, just as I did when I was her age (and still do 30 years later!). One of her favorite pastimes is making menus of stuff we have in the house and taking orders. She acts as waitress and chef, and beams with pride the whole while. Mashing together ice cream with cookie pieces, sprinkles, waffle cone crumbles and more is her most delicious endeavor and this Parlor Ice Cream Mixing Set from Uncommon Goods would be the perfect gift for this dad this Father’s Day because, well, ICE CREAM, but also, again, because without her and her sister, this day would just be another Sunday.
Find so many more uncommon gifts for dad this Father’s Day on Uncommon Goods.
*Uncommon Good provided financial compensation and a product (the beer cap map) to OWTK to facilitate this Father’s Day gift roundup story. All opinions express above are honest and unbiased, as always. We’ve really been shopping on Uncommon Goods for years. We love ’em!