Flash Flash 100 Yard Dash To Watch Zootopia on Netflix

​I missed it in theaters. They didn’t make that mistake.

I skipped it on an 8 hour transatlantic flight home from London, skipping it 4 times on board, technically, to listen instead to many downloaded European football podcasts. They weren’t so foolish.

You could say, if you were so inclined, that I moved as slowly as Flash Flash Hundred Yard Dash at his desk job to lay my eyes upon the animated sociopolitical genius of Zootopia.

When Netflix brought Zootopia, along with a bushel of other Disney fruits fresh from the orchard, to family’s small screens last week, a date night was set to snuggle up and get me caught up on what I’d missed.


I laughed and, surprisingly, didn’t cry, and could see myself rewatching Zootopia often. Thanks to Netflix, that’s now super easy to do. Maybe Zootopia doesn’t reach Wreck-It Ralph levels of rewatchability but it’s a great flick with themes that, unfortunately, will never NOT be relevant. Maybe if kids and their adults watch Zootopia a dozen or so times, the chances of them being presumptive, judgemental, bigoted jerks will decrease. Maybe.

*Fun fact: when we were in Europe this past spring we saw posters for Zootopia but with a different name, which makes me want to watch their version to hear the characters refer to the big city as Zootropolis.


With the new Disney deal, Netflix will land all the prime Disney, Marvel and Pixar hits like Captain America: Civil War, Star Wars: The Force Awakens and other movies that may or may not make use of a colon at the same exact time premium cable channels will get ’em, thus making it even easier to ditch and go Netflix-only like we did last year.


The date has come and gone, but this is still funny. Don’t be a sloth, make your own plans to cuddle up with the family and watch Zootopia on Netflix.

*OWTK is a member of the Netflix StreamTeam. All opinions expressed above are honest and unbiased, Zootopia is truly a remarkably well made, funny, touching and poignant film. It also happens to be a family film, so pick up the pace and watch it already!

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