They’ve already downloaded the entire new season of Project MC2. I mean, that was a given. They are both 110% in on that campy girl power Netflix original show, now into its 6th season.
Let’s see, what else has gobbled up the gigabytes on our iPad Pro as they prep for international travel.
Oh god, yeah, Micaculous:Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir. My two daughters are OBSESSED with that show.
And it seems, like, so is everyone else in their grade & middle school. Everyone loves themselves some Miraculous. Seems there’s some shady YouTube action with Miraculous Season 2 but we’re not diving into that murky pool. I teach my girls to respect, consume, and pay for art. The future of the artists making the art literally depends on it. No illegal streaming bullshit in this house or on this iPad, yo.
Sing doesn’t surprise. The tween is playing that soundtrack pretty much every night from this same iPad.
No idea what Ruby Gloom is but the art on that title screen looks rad.
Gadget, Tarzan, Jane. I see you.
I can’t really express how much I love the downloadable content feature on Netflix. I still contend that downloadable Netflix remains one of the secret gems of the entire Netflix service.
While the kids probably won’t actually need to touch the iPad on the flight over to Ireland, what with the free movies streaming in the seat headrests of the passengers in front of us and with the lateness of the redeye flight (fine, you can watch Wonder Woman but then you HAVE TO GO TO SLEEP), but at night in the rooms we’re renting across Ireland, as a way of decompressing after cold, soggy days of Irish sightseeing and city street meandering, these downloaded episodes and movies are going to come in reeeeeaaaaaal handy!
*OWTK is a member of the Netflix Stream Team.
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