Parenting Blog

We Need Only To Know You Think About Us Sometimes For Father’s Day

FathersDay Toyota Camry OneBoldChoice

It doesn’t surprise me one bit that we spend 7 billion LESS on Father’s Day than on Mother’s Day. I get the pitches. I see the ads. It’s okay. We don’t need they shit they are selling.

We dads don’t need much more than the occasional phone call to check in on us, a brief Facetime chat to let us know that you think about us sometimes in the quieter moments of a hectic life, in the somewhat blank spaces between here and there, this and that.

That said, I’d take a smiley-face-painted rock from the side of the road or a fresh pair of socks any day. I’m very much into the goofy charm of the former and the utility of the latter.

Toyota OneBoldChoice Camry Father's Day Commercial

This Father’s Day, Toyota sent a guy home to be with his dad for the first time in more than a dozen years. Queue waterworks.

Watch this Toyota Camry spot, all about the simple ways we can and should let dad know he’s loved and thought of, on Father’s Day and every day.

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