Parenting Blog

Introducing The OWTK Radio Show


First, let me say thank you to those who continue to find their way to OWTK and read some of my work here and on other sites like The Huffington Post and PBS Parents. The internet is overflowing with content, wall to wall with words and pictures and sounds, and so it means a lot to me that you are here.

Second, because I know sometimes listening is easier than reading, this is certainly true while driving and even though I see some with their noses in books or buried in their phones at the gym, I contend it is true whilst exercising too, I have started the OWTK Radio Show. And really, isn’t life basically 80% driving and exercising? This 20-25 minute bi-weekly podcast features me ‘performing’ 3-4 posts which would have originally appeared on OWTK in written form. The first episode includes The 4 Words All Dads of Daughters Need To Hear while the 2nd features The 16 Things I Want My Daughters To Know Right Now, both of which are easily the most read posts of mine thanks to HuffPost Parents, Mighty Girl, and people like you who so generously shared the stories with your circle of friends. For the new show, I stitch in some music too, in between my words, to make it all public radio-y and boom, there it is.

I hope you’ll consider subscribing to the show for free on iTunes, through your favorite podcast player, or download/stream the episodes directly, and that you enjoy what you hear.

Thanks again for being a part of the OWTK family.

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