OWTK Kindie Music News / Parenting Blog

World Premiere Song: The Pop Ups “Pictures Making Pictures”

I don’t exactly do crafts.

Blame my mom.

There isn’t much in this world that gives me the twitches something awful quite like the sight of jar of glitter gone askew on a carpeted floor or paper shavings distributed evenly everywhere. I am far from the Mike Adamick-type. That dude and his girl use blow torches like me and my daughters use Nutella. That is to say, a whole awful lot. We’re cool getting our fingers messy if we can lick ’em clean. You know how it is.

Thankfully, for me and my mom, listening to “Pictures Making Pictures,” the new song I am debuting here from The Pop Ups about making collage art, comes with not an ounce of glue residue stuck to your fingertips and absolutely zero magazine paper scraps. It’s just all good vibes, wicked horns, and ab fab 80’s inspired R&B&Synth.

“Pictures Making Pictures” is one of ten kindie dancehall anthems on the band’s new album Appetite for Construction which comes out tomorrow. Read more about the band, the album, and watch the video for one of the other new songs on The Huffington Post. But first, stream the crap out of this stellar song below.


Pre-order Appetite for Construction from The Pop Ups now.

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