OWTK PHILLY LOCAL: Gavin’s Playground Project Fundraiser

A young boy leaves the Earth and the world gets better because of his heroism and the proud memory of his short time that so many carry forward with them forever. That’s what we tell ourselves to ease the pain of the brutal reality in front of our pained faces. A child is gone. God dammit.

A Philly local family lost their beautiful young son a year ago. Maybe you’ve been following along with their story at Chasing Rainbows. To celebrate the power of play and to honor Gavin, there is a grand fundraising event happening this Saturday evening in Oaks, PA, with dinner, music, trivia and a silent auction to raise funds for an all-abilities playground at the Nemours/Alfred I duPont Hospital for Children. If you aren’t local or can’t attend this Saturday evening fundraiser in person, you can still place bids on the amazing array of items up for auction. You can do a world of good while touring the Downton Abbey castle in England, visiting Ireland, spending a week in Disney World, and so many other wonderful packages and products big and small.

Please take a look at the many Gavin’s Playground Project Fundraiser auction items and if there’s something that catches your eye, please share it, bid on it, and keep this family in your hearts this week.

Thanks, all.

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