OWTK Not Kids Music / Philly
on March 26, 2019 at 11:21 am ×
“Night Shift” is a slow burn; it’s a wick set alight; it begins as a gentle midnight stroll before reaching the boiling point of a cobblestoned city. There is some distance needing to be traveled before the heat can be felt on our faces, before sweat forms in the palms […]
on September 29, 2018 at 9:09 am ×
Be in the room where it happens with Leslie Odom Jr in Philadelphia this weekend. The arts in big rooms like Verizon Hall aren’t cheap. I’m not going to pretend otherwise but… Buy the cheap seats for $35. It’s fine, there isn’t a bad seat in that palatial space. Just […]
Parenting Blog
on July 13, 2018 at 4:00 pm ×
We’re one week away from the 2nd Kidchella all-ages music festival of the summer. Last month, The Pop Ups and Alex & The Kaleidoscope delighted nearly 800 adults and kids gathered on the cool green grass of the Smith Memorial Playground. Now it’s time for a couple of Kidchella vets […]
Parenting Blog
on May 15, 2018 at 4:23 pm ×
Well, not exactly but over on WHYY I ponder the fate of local small businesses and envision a future in which specialty retailers foster and support the crafts, inventions, jewelry, and misc products made by members of the community. And in turn, those local entrepreneurs, like my daughters with their […]
Parenting Blog
on May 14, 2018 at 9:49 am ×
I’ve known the 2018 Kidchella lineup for so many months now and it’s been killing me keeping it in!! But here we go, the poster and the podcast to officially announce the bands playing the 2018 Kidchella Summer Music Series at the Smith Memorial Playground & Playhouse!!! Also awesome: my […]
on April 30, 2018 at 9:30 am ×
We’ve seen many a great all-ages play and musical at the Arden Theatre in Old City Philadelphia, with many a great actor [waves hi to Ben Dibble & Alex Keiper & Jeffrey Coon & Rachel Camp!] gracing the stage, but the Arden’s Snow White cast of two, Nastassja Whitman & […]
on January 30, 2018 at 7:23 pm ×
We’re still plumbing the depths of winter here in the northeast portion of America but, in the midst of the bundled-up dreariness of the season, there’s a bright warm light of hope on offer. It can be found and felt from city hall down to Oregon Ave, and from the […]
on December 9, 2016 at 12:52 pm ×
The first time my wife and I ventured into the swamp with Arnold Lobel’s Frog & Toad we had my niece with us. She was 6 years old, wide-eyed, and entranced by Ben Dibble’s Toad and Jeff Coon’s Frog. That niece of mine is wrapping up her first semester at […]