Our Heathcliff Retro Cartoon Party With #NetflixFamilies

Netflix Families

This post was sponsored by Netflix. Netflix Families make summer easier. www.netflix.com/families

Throwing a great party takes a lot of work. And if I’m going to throw a party, it’s gonna be of the great variety.

I sometimes think I schedule parties only to give my family a really convincing argument to clean…something, anything. So when Netflix came a-knocking last month with a proposal to hold a Netflix Families streaming video party for a gaggle of our friends, I was like, “heck yeah, let’s do it!”…now start cleaning, kids!

I guess you could technically count them, but I hope you’ll allow me the poetic license to declare that there are countless options under the expansive Netflix Families library. You really should peruse the offerings, you don’t even need to be a subscriber to window shop, ’cause it’s nuts how much stuff is out there to stream at your leisure. We could’ve gone with a how-to/science/documentary party for curious kids with something like How Stuff Works or Disney Nature’s The Crimson Wing, or an 80’s TV show shindig with Saved By The Bell or Family Ties, a retro cartoon hangout with JEM, He-Man or, the one I couldn’t resist in the end, Heathcliff, or even a modern family movie night with The Lorax, Paranorman, or Hugo.

My decision to go retro was an easy one because streaming Heathcliff was another way to develop a deeper connection between myself and my children, to show them what I loved as a child their age. The Heathcliff move was validated in mere minutes as all the kids ages 6-9 were transfixed by the time capsule programming on the big HD TV screen. And then one of the moms confessed that Heathcliff was her favorite too as a child but that her husband (who was also at the party) had never seen it. Yeah, I had picked a winner and the whole evening, with games, crafts, and food themed around the orange frisky feline, was tastier than a piece of fish served up on a garbage can lid!

It’s beyond rad that Netflix makes it so easy to share memorable moments from my own childhood with my children, and all for pennies a day and on just about any and all devices you already own (iPad, Xbox, etc.) I never thought I’d be two clicks away from Master of the Universe streaming through our Nintendo Wii! Or Woody Woodpecker! Or that cute Brave Little Toaster!! Because I do everything I can to elongate childhood for my girls, I’m geeking out over the fact that they are getting to see the entertainment world as their father did many, many years ago, only with absolutely NO commercials! This not only allows them to stay kids longer, but allows me to travel back in time, to be 8 again. And, at least for one night, to eat WAY too many pieces of pizza and Swedish Fish!

Netflix Families Heathcliff party viewing

The power of Heathcliff is as strong as ever!

Netflix Families Heathcliff party Mouse and her pizza

The Mouse humors me, but really wants to turn back around to watch the show and eat her pizza!

Netflix Families Heathcliff party orange streamers

I pulled out all the stops decorating with copious amounts of orange streamers for the Netflix Families party.

Netflix Families Heathcliff party pin the tail

Pin the tail on Sonja and Heathcliff. Not quite, kiddo, not quite.

Netflix Families Heathcliff party pizza and swedish fish

Plates getting empty, bellies getting full.

Netflix Families Heathcliff party orange Jello

Thankfully, Jell-O can always be eaten even with a full tummy. Above are my Heathcliff cat-striped orange Jell-O parfaits with a Swedish Fish at the bottom!

Netflix Families Heathcliff party fish tranfer with noses

Tape on noses, fish in bowls, hair shaking all over the place, and laughs. Oh the laughter!

For our Netflix Families Heathcliff party we played pin the tail on our protagonist and his best gal Sonja, and a hilarious game that involved the kids trying to transfer inflatable fish from one bowl to another using double-sided sticky tape on their noses. This was a mess of hair and laughter!  And the Mrs. organized a quick & easy toilet paper roll craft where the kids got to decorate their own North American Cardboard Salmon, a very rare fresh water catch — because we all know how much Heathcliff loves to eat fish!

Netflix Families Heathcliff party fish craft

A rare button-eyed North American Cardboard Salmon sighting!

Netflix Families Heathcliff party prize table

Every kid left our Netflix Families party with a gift card to our fave indie toy store, Monkey Fish, and a super sweet prize; from the modern LEGO Friends to popular Rainbow Loom (orange, of course) or the retro Mad Libs to those awesome Invisible Ink books (my favorite pastime as a kid in a car during every single family roadtrip.)

Even though our Heathcliff party has come to an end, the rest of the summer will be filled with snuggles on the couch as we parade a strange cast of cartoon characters through our Netflix Families instant watch queue.

Netflix.com/Families is a new destination designed to meet your family’s summertime entertainment needs. On Netflix.com/Families, Parents can find lists of movies and TV shows for all kinds of special summer moments.

Visit www.Netflix.com/Families for more information on the best ways to stream as well as videos about how other families use Netflix.

This post was sponsored by Netflix. Netflix Families makes summer easier. www.netflix.com/families

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