Exciting Family Entertainment Coming This Fall on Netflix, Nickelodeon and Your Favorite Podcast Provider

We always look forward to fall.

But this September, it is more than just the soccer on TV, crisp autumn air blowing in through the open windows, and crunchy leaves scattered on the ground that has us ready for fall! There’s a ton of exciting Family Entertainment coming soon.

Here’s what we are ready to watch and listen to, starting this Friday on Netflix!


Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library

Monday, Oct. 9 7:00 P.M. (ET/PT) on Nickelodeon

One of my oldest daughter’s favorite books ( + book series –> author Chris Grabenstein’s new Lemoncello volume is published next month!) gets the live action made-for-TV movie treatment from Nickelodeon and while we are really excited to watch Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library come alive on the small screen, we’re mostly just crossing all available digits that it doesn’t suck. (please don’t suck, please don’t suck, please don’t suck)

Trollhunters Season 2

Trollhunters Season 2

Release Date TBD on Netflix

Guillermo del Toro‘s smart, stylish and brilliant animated Netflix show will return on a date TBD with 13 new episodes and we are fairly positive that this. will. not. suck! If you haven’t yet watched the incredible 26 episodes of Trollhunters Season 1, get moving! Season 2 of Trollhunters may arrive at any moment!!

 Trollhunters Netflix Flowchart

Then go stock up on the adorable Trollhunters Funko Pop! Figures!

Radio Adventures Of Eleanor Amplified

Eleanor Amplified Season 2

On your favorite podcast provider, right now!

The greatest serialized narrative podcast for all-ages of ears returned for a brief season 2 a couple of weeks ago. Catch up on the 10 episodes of Season 1, the two prequel volumes that surprised us this summer, and then dig into the precious 3 new podcast episodes to hear what hilariously absurd tragedies will befall star radio reporter Eleanor Amplified and her curious gang of misfits friends. This show from my hometown WHYY radio station (that I am honored to write for every month!) is LOL great.

Listen now on your favorite podcast app. Here’s the link to Eleanor Amplified on iTunes.

*If you don’t bust a gut listening to the character Led Zeppelin (that’s right), you can get your money back at the original place of purchase. 😉

Project Mc2 Netflix StreamTeam

Project MC2 Part 5

Friday, Sept. 15 on Netflix

Project MC2 Part 5

It’s campy, it’s kinda cute and while it’s not really my cup of tea my two daughters still freaking adore Project MC2 on Netflix and they are kinda freaking out that Part 5 of this STEM show of sisterhood arrives on Netflix this Friday, September 15th!

Watch the Part 5 Project MC2 trailer here!


The Magic School Bus Rides Again

Friday, Sept. 29 on Netflix

Netflix has rebooted The Magic School Bus with Lin-Manuel Miranda singing the theme song!!!

Finally, last but certainly not least…NETFLIX HAS REBOOTED THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS!!!!

Miss Frizzle, Liz and the whole Magic School Bus gang of kids are back!! And Kate McKinnon is the voice of the new lead, Ms. Frizzle’s sister Ms. Frizzle (which reminds me of Mr. Noodle and Mr. Noodle’s brother Mr. Noodle from Elmo’s World), and we get to hear the theme song sung by Lin-Manuel Freaking Miranda at the top of every episode!!


What are you excited to watch with your kids this fall?

OWTK is a member of Netflix’s Stream Team. All opinion above and honest and unbiased, as always.

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