OWTK Kindie Music News

Watch This: Elizabeth Mitchell “Blue Clouds” Music Video (+ Free Download)

You know what I love? Elizabeth Mitchell originals.

Now, I’ve got nothing against covers, especially those of traditional American folk songs, or of songs by guys named Hendrix and Bowie, but what I crave most as a music fan are not interpretations, but fresh tunes from great songwriters.

This one, from Mitchell’s newest album of the same name, was penned by husband and band-mate Daniel Littleton as a lullaby for their daughter and band-mate Storey.

Make a cup of tea, get beneath your favorite blanket, and enjoy “Blue Clouds” from Elizabeth Mitchell And You Are My Flower:

Download “Blue Clouds” for free courtesy of Mitchell’s label Smithsonian Folkways (right click, save as.)

The whole album is only a $5.99 download from the Amazon mp3 store. Yeah, you should probably go ahead and spend that $6 right now.

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