Hodgepodge / Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: What We Want As Adults (Or Why Does Anyone Read Depressing Books?)

OWTK’s West Coast Gaming Correspondent Cooper McHatton has published a thought provoking post over on his own website on the subjects of reading, escapism, and what it means to grow up from a media consumption standpoint.

He has framed the conversation around the depressing books he – and most every other high school student – was made to suffer through, but the scope is much larger: What do adults crave in their TV shows, films, books, and music? Are those wants being met or are we being guided down a different, more loathsome and dark path?

Cooper opts for joy over despair, as both a lifestyle choice and a media preference.  I am 100% on board with that as well.

What do you think?

**Speaking of consuming media, my pal Kelly over at The Centsible Life (in conjunction with Big Fish Games) is giving away an iPad 3 (no tricks or gimmicks in this one, I promise).  What an awesome way for you to indulge in some happy material (or depressing, if you must).  Enter for your chance to win the new iPad 3 here**

**Aaaaand speaking of joyful (yet tempered with a bit of mood) music, check out my review of Josh Ritter’s new EP “Bringing In The Darlings”.  This piece marks my first published work for the great pop music & culture site Popdose.  I’d love it if you gave it a read and a listen (one track from the album is embedded within)*

*The clever sad face in a sea of smiles image is available as desktop wallpaper here.

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