It is no exaggeration to say that Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure took the world by storm in 2011. Okay, maybe just the video game and toy worlds but still, Spyro and his pals were dominate right out of the gate to the tune of being the #1 kid’s video game title worldwide. Many have fallen in love with the dozens of characters on and off screen, and have embraced their new role as Portal Master. Just as many have secretly wondered: what next? You methodically rebuilt the Core of Light, defeated Kaos, and (likely) spent a small fortune tracking down and purchasing many of the nearly 24 Skylanders character figures released to date (of the 32 original figures designed for the game); now what?
The answer to what next? and now what? is Skylanders Giants.
As the story goes, the original Skylanders were actually giants. And it was them who first defeated Kaos and his machines many moons ago. As a form of sacrifice, the Giants were shot to Earth where they’ve been buried underground ever since. Now, in the Fall of 2012 to be exact, Kaos will once again call on his war machines and the Skylanders will need to summon the Giants back to Skylands. And here we are.
1st Official Skylanders Giants Preview Trailer:
The Giant Skylanders Giants Scoop
There will be 8 Giants, one of each element, and 8 additional, regular-sized Skylanders released in the Fall of 2012 with the new game titled, yep you guessed it, Skylanders Giants. The Giants themselves are 2x the size and will function on your existing portal. Up to two will fit to again allow for co-op play. All version 1.0 Skylanders character figures will be playable in the new Giants game, carrying with them all of their powers, hats, levels. And some considerations will be made to offer additional levels/powers/something to make the new game even more fun with your favorite characters. Note: the Giants characters will not be playable in the Spyro’s Adventure game.
Several of your favorite ancillary Spyro’s Adventures characters will return in Giants: Flynn (Boom!), Cali, Eon and more are back for more gigantic adventures and to help defeat Kaos again!
The Skylanders Giants Character Detail
I don’t know a whole lot, but here’s what I gather: The Giants will all have “Lightforce” which will illuminate the figures’ eyes and elemental power when anywhere near the Portal of Power. I’ve seen this and it is pretty neat; more magic making Skylanders as offline toy that much more attractive. One of the Giants is named Tree Rex, he of the Earth element. Rumor is one of the Giants will be a girl. If true, let’s hope she is as awesome as Hex, Cynder, and our personal favorite, the diminutive but badass Stealth Elf. Each of the 8 new regular sized Skylanders figures will be available with Lightforce as well, those will be hidden treasures a la the silver versions of v 1.0 Skylanders on eBay right now.
The Giants leave footprints, rattle barrels and other scenery on the screen, and interact with that scenery in a totally new way. For example, the Giants are able to pick up certain rocks and toss them at opponents and their strongholds. The gigantic Skylanders can also reel in some floating islands via a massive chain link. Yeah, they are pretty strong creatures. Expect a similar but unique Skylanders playing experience with the Giants. Anxious to get them in your hands and onto your portal? Yeah, you and me both.
Watch the game developers demo and discuss Skylanders Giants live in NYC today:
One new character, seemingly called Alchemist, is regular sized but grows when he drinks from the beaker in his hand. Not sure what classification he is in, Giant or otherwise. He is pretty awesome looking though. See him in action:
Another new character is a bird, but I do not know the name. I do, however, have an on-screen demo video of him in action. So that’s cool, right? Enjoy:
**EDIT TO ADD: I didn’t remember taking this photo and video of Zook. I thought he was a new character but no, it is Zook. But he looks different here, maybe a re-imagined version of the figure and some of his powers(?) for the new Giants game**
The Skylanders Giants Packaging Insight
The game will be packaged along the same lines of Spyro’s Adventure, that is to say Portal + game disc + 3 figures + stickers + web codes, et al. The difference being one of those 3 figures will be a Giant, the other 2 of the new regular-sized Skylanders. Everything else should look familiar. I was told there would also be starter kits packaged without the portal, for us early adopters who already have one. This is a good move and much appreciated. What the heck would we do with the extra portal anyway?
Toys-R-Us Exclusives (Non-Giants related but still notable)
The CEO of Toys-R-Us was on hand at today’s Skylanders pre-Toy Fair event. He must’ve heard I was gonna be there…or something. He revealed that in March the retailer will begin selling new Legendary versions of Trigger Happy and an iridescent blue Bash. Good luck finding those! Personally, neither interest me and the Bash figure kinda looks like a hardened pile of Jell-O (and my rough photo isn’t helpin’ his cause). Toys-R-Us will also have a 30-day first to market (meaning no other stores will have it for the 1st 30 days) of Sunburn! This great looking character will be sold as part of the new Dragon Peak Adventure Pack – see all the pieces above.
Additional Tidbits
Expect a Skylanders mobile app(s) this year (yay!). I don’t expect this to have anything to do with the portal or the current gaming experience. I’d be surprised if the mobile game wasn’t a completely stand alone experience.
Skylanders Giants Screenshots, Toy Photos & Pics from the Pre-Toy Fair 2012 Event!
**Attendees of Tuesday’s Skylanders Giants launch party were given a Giants t-shirt and a 2012 NYC Toy Fair Exclusive Cynder figure that is, save for the pearly white eyes, head to toe in metallic purple. Pretty awesome, I know.
Update: 2/10/12 ~ Much to my kids’ dismay, I’ve decided to give away my unopened Toy Fair exclusive Cynder figure to one lucky reader. Find out how you can enter the giveaway here.