on October 28, 2016 at 11:24 am ×
This is the week!! Today is the day!!!! The Netflix original series Skylanders Academy has arrived on small (and smaller) screens everywhere and we couldn’t be any happier. When I first heard the name of this Skylanders show, I dreamed of it being a Monsters University type of conceit, with […]
on June 23, 2016 at 10:39 am ×
Yeah, OWTK is a proud member of the Netflix Stream Team but full disclosure time: we haven’t turned on Netflix once in over 6 weeks thanks to travel, end of school activities, birthday party prep and, well, life. But this fall, we’re prepared to give the Netflix button on our […]
OWTK Gaming / OWTK Giveaways
on January 15, 2016 at 10:19 am ×
Does it get any better than this for young gamers? You’ve got Skylanders Superchargers figures and vehicles who happen to be the legendary (in a historical sense, not in Skylanders variant terms) Donkey Kong and Bowser, who also happen to be playable on Nintendo Amiibo! Holy wow that is remarkably […]
OWTK Gaming
on April 9, 2015 at 9:42 am ×
HOLY F. This September, LEGO jumps into the physical toys-into-video game world (a la Skylanders and Disney Infinity) with LEGO Dimensions. Start a new piggy bank to save up lots of coinage for the LEGO Dimensions game and the many LEGO Dimensions character figures! I can already picture Frodo, Marty McFly […]
OWTK Gaming / OWTK Giveaways
on March 11, 2015 at 9:04 am ×
OWTK has been in on the Skylanders phenomenon since day one, watching Activision grow the relatively unknown property from a single, inventive toys-to-life game in 2011 to a monolithic empire of trading cards, bedding, clothes, cereal, and of course more video games. Heck, in 2014 my family was on the […]
OWTK Gaming
on February 11, 2015 at 2:47 pm ×
A fun batch of Skylanders news just in for diehard portal masters! There will soon be Skylanders In Our Cereal and Easter Baskets! Forgo a few chocolate bunnies this Easter and stuff your kids’ baskets with springtime editions of Skylanders Minis Power Punch Pet-Vac and Eggsellent Weeruptor. Word has it […]
OWTK Gaming
on October 24, 2014 at 1:23 pm ×
Ladies and gentlemen, may I have the distinct please of introducing Skylanders Trap Team Eon’s Elite. Settle down, Skylander nerds, Eon’s Elite will be here very soon. Looks like on November 1st you’ll be able to acquire rad metallic versions of upwards of 8 existing Skylanders characters redesigned and supped […]
OWTK Gaming
on November 14, 2013 at 11:11 am ×
Move over McKayla Maroney, the Bear is not impressed. My oldest gal traveled with me to New York City last week specifically to ask a Skylanders Swap Force game developer why there are no Swappable Swap Force girls. She and we love the new female characters — Roller Brawl, Smolderdash, […]