It’s been a hard week for this Skylanders addict. The sequel to the uber popular Skylanders Spyro’s Adventure was released on Sunday, 10/22 and yet there I was, a sadsack daddy blogger, eating his Rice Krispies and milk on Friday morning, still with no Skylanders Giants game to call my own. No Lightcore. No Tree Rex. No nothin’. What? Are you not bringing the gauc and chips to my pity party? Fine. Whatever. Still, I was anxious and probably shouldn’t have made those half dozen trips to Target and Toy-R-Us to only lurk and linger. I was rocking the sweatpants and sandals. I wasn’t not creepy. ‘Tis amazin’ really that I didn’t just buy the damn game during one of the trips, that I walked away from all those oogling visits with just 5 character figures: Lightcore Jet Vac, Pop Fizz, and, of course the 3 available new ladies: Sprocket, Flashwing, and Chill, the last of which seems destined to sit alongside Stealth Elf on our Skylanders Hall of Fame mantle, if we had such a thing. Note to self: begin construction on mantle. And make it big enough for Ninjini once she makes her gigantic, levitating presence known.
Writing OWTK has got its perks. I ain’t gonna ever tell you differently. We get apps, toys, books, and CDs before the rest of you can buy ’em. There is a point to all that: so I can test and write the coverage to be published in perfect synchronicity with the release of the thing. Activision and Skylanders don’t exactly work it like that. And I get it, what with the eBay flipping of media exclusives like, say, the Toy Fair Cynder figure, I too wouldn’t dare send out such a hot product early. Some of my unscrupulous peers wouldn’t hesitate to make a quick buck of their cushy relationship with the PR firm or the brand itself. Shameful, but them’s the realities of the world.
FedEx dropped off the brown box of beauty today, just before lunch. I knew what it was. What else could it have been? Well, to be honest, it could’ve been a number of different things, but it wasn’t different things, it was Skylanders Giants. Cue hysterical clapping and hollering!
But, here’s the rub. Thanks to our policy of always & only playing together as a family (all four of us,) the Bear’s ill-timed Girl Scout meeting tonight, and the Bear and the Mrs’ early Saturday morning volunteering commitment, we will wait until Saturday afternoon to kick some Chompy ass. Chill, Tree Rex, Flashwing, get a good night sleep, you’re gonna be plenty busy this weekend.
There are lots of new and newly imagined Skylanders figures to gobble up this time around, but we will show some sensible restraint and only target brand new Giants characters and only one 1 version of them. So this means no Lightcore Chill for us, and no repositioned Stealth Elf, although I cannot promise that if I see her hanging from a peg I won’t bring her home to join our happy Portal Master family. No promises, ’cause she is the bomb.
Happy gaming, y’all.
Wanna geek out a bit more? Of course you do. Check out Skylanders videos by my Twitter pal Robert from Coin-Op TV and great Skylanders insider content from’s Drew Bennett.