Parenting Blog / PRODUCT REVIEWS

Early Moments Matter – An Essential New Parent DVD & Guide

I said in a comment on another blog today that we build the foundation, they build the building. It was an off-the-cuff remark in response to the fear of letting your children go. It sounds pretty, but it’s scary as hell to execute.

This focus on foundation-laying is exactly the subject of a clever, essential even, new parenting toolkit with a DVD and guide developed in conjunction with PBS’ THIS EMOTIONAL LIFE series, called EARLY MOMENTS MATTER.  The idea, backed scientifically if you’re into that sorta thing, is that building an attachment to your children as newborn infants provides them with a wealth of trust and early social skills (no, they don’t get a Facebook page or Twitter feed).

It’s a frequent joke of new or expecting parents that “there isn’t an instruction manual” for raising kids.  Yeah, but there sorta is, isn’t there?  Between great books like the DadLabs Guide to Fatherhood and the zillions of other tomes on the subject there is a mountain of help out there.  I’ve read some and read about many.  I gotta say that this short (30-minute) DVD and guidebook to building a meaningful bond with your babies in the earliest of moments appears to be nothing short of spectacular.

Bonus: for every Early Moments Matter toolkit you purchase, one will be donated to a family in need.  Now that’s just freakin’ awesome.

If you’re expecting, or know someone who is, this could be the best $10 you’ll ever spend.  If you’re gonna put thousands away in a college savings plan someday, isn’t a 10-spot worth it to help build a bridge that’ll last forever?  Do it.

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