“eXTeNdeD pLaYdATe”, Alexandra and the Good Batch‘s 2010 caps-lock crazy debut album was overlooked by many in the kindie world. What they, and you, missed was an energetic, creative album (gorgeous looking too) with several terrific songs. I love the dancehall-ready “I said, ‘Mom!'”, the emotion depth of the ballad “Two Homes” breaking down the breaking down of a marriage from a child’s perspective, and “reddotdaddyday” which continues the exploration of a divorce in more of a grass-is-greener way. Alexandra deserves a ton of credit for writing two superb songs about an extremely difficult to broach subject but one that many (too many) kids surely have a context for. Want a copy of the album? Watch the video then scroll down below for your chance to score one fine kid’s CD.
Enjoy the World Premiere of the “eXTeNdeD pLaYdATe” video from Alexandra and the Good Batch:
Download an “eXTendeDpLaYdATe” Coloring Page too!
*****eXTeNdeD pLaYdATe Giveaway*****
Want a copy of “eXTeNdeD pLaYdATe” – the album – plus some Good Batch goodies for your family? Simple. Watch the video and leave a comment here telling what color hoodie Alexandra is wearing? I’ll pick one winner at random at the end of this week.