OWTK Kindie Music News

Sweet Tune for Tweens: Dala “Levi Blues” Video

As my children are 5 and 2, I don’t find myself thinking too much about tunes for tweens. Additionally, the whole Taylor Swift/Hannah Montana/Demi Lovato thang is not part of our daily musical diet. I’m not putting Dala in that mix, but there’s no denying the fact that they may just end up sharing the same potential audience.

On Thursday my family, along with my two 11 year old nieces, trek up to Newport for the Folk Festival. This morning I was planning out the weekend – who to see and on what stage they are playing. Most of the names on the schedule, if not interesting to me, are at least familiar.
Save for one: Dala. No idea what or who that was, so I used the internets to check ’em out.

Dala turns out to be a pair of young ladies from Canada who write and perform acoustic pop music. They remind me a bit of another gal from up north, one Leslie Feist. Not to turn OWTK into Teen Bop magazine, but I was excited to learn that the girls are best friends and began writing songs together in high school music class. One’s a soprano, the other an alto and their harmonies (as evident in the clip below) can be utterly captivating. I was even more excited to discover that they name check The Beatles, Neil Young, Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell as influences. Not a bad place to start for a pair of young songwriters. Better than say, Madonna, who, I’m just guessing here, many of today’s tween pop tarts would name 1st.
So yeah, Dala’s bio is nice. This song is even nicer.

Dala play Sunday morning on the small Water stage at the Newport Folk Fest…the exact same time as Josh Ritter. Ugh. My desire to expose my 11 year old nieces (and my girls) to good, solid female leads who sing/play instruments and who create music with some soul (see: Neko Case later on Sunday) may override my man crush on Mr. Ritter.


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