Post Tagged with: "dala"

New Pop Music Choices For Tween Girls
OWTK Not Kids Music

New Pop Music Choices For Tween Girls

Our young girls deserve better music made by better people. Here are 8 pop music artists worthy of your daughter’s ears.

A Reintroduction to Dala
OWTK Kindie Music News

A Reintroduction to Dala

The Canadian duo Dala is celebrating the U.S. release of their 4th long player “Everyone is Someone” today. I thought that, in honor of the special occasion, today would be a good day to open the OWTK vaults and revisit the post where I first introduced you and your family […]

Sing Me To Sleep – Indie Lullabies CD Review
OWTK Kindie Album Reviews

Sing Me To Sleep – Indie Lullabies CD Review

I’m going to stray from my standard CD review format for this one. Why? Well, it’s a compilation CD and a lullaby one at that, so the “sounds like” and “sits in the cafeteria with” sections I usually roll with wouldn’t be terribly relevant or helpful here. SING ME TO […]

Dala and Mr. Clarke
OWTK Kindie Music News / Philly

Dala and Mr. Clarke

The Mrs. and I will be having a Philly-tastic musical weekend.  It starts without the kids on Friday night, at the Tin Angel.  The Canadian duo Dala is in town, supporting their outstanding album “Everyone is Someone”.  Who’s Dala? So glad you asked…OWTK introduced you to ’em last year.  We’re […]

OWTK Kindie Music News

Sweet Tune for Tweens: Dala “Levi Blues” Video

As my children are 5 and 2, I don’t find myself thinking too much about tunes for tweens. Additionally, the whole Taylor Swift/Hannah Montana/Demi Lovato thang is not part of our daily musical diet. I’m not putting Dala in that mix, but there’s no denying the fact that they may […]

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