Post Tagged with: "quick thoughts"


Biopsy Shmiopsy **Updated With Results**

‘Twas a jagged-edged, feces-brown fleck on my dominant arm, up high on the palest of white bits where the sun has rarely ever shone, the snow-capped peak of my right arm man mountain, if you will, nestled amidst the even smaller blood red bumps that have graced much of my […]

Hodgepodge / Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: What We Want As Adults (Or Why Does Anyone Read Depressing Books?)

OWTK’s West Coast Gaming Correspondent Cooper McHatton has published a thought provoking post over on his own website on the subjects of reading, escapism, and what it means to grow up from a media consumption standpoint. He has framed the conversation around the depressing books he – and most every […]

Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: The Penn State Jerry Sandusky Scandal

If the allegations are true, and my god man do they seem to be, Jerry Sandusky is the worst type of man; the type who would willingly strip away everything good and pure in another human being.  In a child. To deny a child a victim-free existence is the worst […]

Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: The Intersection Of Play And Learn

I generated some Twitter chatter this weekend with the OWTK review of the Learning Resources Smart Snacks Counting Cookies board game. One tweet kinda bemoaned the NEED to teach young children – ages 2, 3, 4 – how to count.  But really, it could’ve been an essay on the divide […]

Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: Keeping A Promise, Making A Scarecrow

I’d never made a scarecrow until this afternoon. ***** Over breakfast on Saturday morning I sprung on the girls (and the Mrs, who quickly gave me one of those raised eyebrows) that on Monday, when the Bear would be off from school and the Mrs. home skipping work for a mental […]

Quick Thoughts: What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

Ballerina. Veterinarian. Teacher.  Singing Waitress. It’s awfully difficult to stifle the chuckles when my girls spout off about what they want to be when they grow up.  I mean, seriously, a singing waitress???  Does that even offer a 401(k)? Encouragement is of course provided regardless of how far-fetched the proposed […]

Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: It’s OK to be Okay

Consumption of media increasingly takes place on one of two devices: a 46″ (or larger) LCD TV or a 7″ (or smaller) handheld screen.  Similarly, political conversation in this country has walked to the very end of two identically extreme planks. The middle is shrinking. But there exists some wonderful […]

Parenting Blog

Quick Thoughts: Bullying, Barney and Happy Birthday

The Bear had a school assembly this week.  ‘Assembly’ is one of the cutest words to hear her say aloud.  She accentuates the ‘bly’ this way: ba-lee.  I ask repetitive, kinda idiotic questions like “what did you say you had today sweetie?” and “your teacher said it was time to […]

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