Parenting Blog

The Unique Father’s Day Gifts Dad Really Wants This Year

You might have it in your head that dad wants a photo of himself with his kids as a gift this father’s day.

Hmm, dunno ‘bout that.

While he certainly won’t scuff at such a gift (dad ain’t rude like that), it might not necessarily be what he’d like to have hanging on the wall of his office — a reminder of why he works so hard — or resting on his bedside table so as to be the first thing he gazes upon each and every morning. Smiles are a great way to start any day.

Also, c’mon, a single photo in a standard frame? It is two. thousand. and. 18, yo! Unique father’s day gifts are abundantly available, a snap to create, and go easy on your wallet or purse. Let’s step up your father’s day gifting game, starting right now.

For the first time in, well, in forever, this dad of two daughters is really enjoying the way he looks, in front of the mirror and in photos, but I don’t want to see myself on the wall of any room in my home.

Snapfish father's day gift canvas photo art OWTK

What I want, what I really really want, is to see my girls and their mom in an incredible setting from one of our recent family travel adventures. What I really want is to be taken back in time to remember standing there with my NX1 in hand, peering through the viewfinder, framing the shot, hearing them laughing and urging me to hurry it up because they can’t hold that pose any longer and asking excitedly to see the photograph I made as we eat lunch with the sound of water lapping against the rocks, as we stare out at the medieval castle, as we share our pesto gnocchi and buffalo mozzarella. I want all of that to come flooding back into my mind every single day.

Ideally then, for father’s day, I’d be given a gift as unique as the moments we’ve experienced together as a family, a photograph of mine given the artistic treatment, a capture of my favorite people that will transport me back to making that scene happen in the first place. So yeah, I don’t want to see myself, I want to see again what I saw before: my heart on a canvas, on beveled glass, on pillows, and all around me at home. I want meaningful gifts that reflect the time we spend together.

Snapfish Unique Father's Day Gifts canvas photo art

This father’s day I am partnering with Snapfish to treat myself to exactly that: gorgeous photo-based father’s day gifts I created with a few clicks and fewer dollars than you might think.

Save 40% off everything on Snapfish through 6/30/18 with coupon code: GIFT4DAD

It may come as a surprise to you but I’ve never once ordered a photo-based product using one of my photographs. Not once. Oh, I’ve tried a few times years ago but the process was too cumbersome to make it worth my while and the cost seemed to skyrocket by the time I was even halfway through the personalization and customization process.

Not with Snapfish.

Snapfish father's day gift canvas photo art and camera

The 11×14 canvas I ordered from Snapfish using this photo of my favorite ladies on the Italian island of Ischia is AMAZINGLY beautiful!

Using Snapfish to make photo-based gifts was a breeze. I easily imported my photos from Instagram and Google Photos, added one of dozens of gorgeous backgrounds — I seriously got stuck in this part of the process when designing a glass cutting board using 6 rad photos of my daughters because I couldn’t decide which background I wanted most! — and the cost never rose a penny from the initial low price shown on the website. In all, I spent maybe 15 minutes choosing photos, (finally) settling on a background splash of color, and ordering a cutting board and 11×14 canvas. Our friendly neighborhood postwoman dropped off the package from Snapfish a few days later and boom!, I was the proud papa who now owns gorgeous art made from my own photographs and featuring the three wonderful women in my life who make being a father a thing at all and make being a dad the greatest thing ever.

Snapfish Unique Father's Day Gifts photo collage cutting board

This beveled glass photo collage glass cutting board I designed on Snapfish using cool ‘album cover’ photos I took of my girls is SO COOL!!!

And whether I’m in the kitchen cutting up avocados and tomatoes for their afternoon snack or sitting down watching a soccer match in the family room, I’ll have the visual evidence of that very fact: that being a dad of those two kids and the husband of that amazing woman is the greatest thing ever.

*This story has been told in partnership with Snapfish. I received a gift code to purchase the canvas and glass cutting board, as well as financial compensation for my time in creating this post. All opinions expressed above are honest and unbiased, as always. In fact, there is no doubt I will use the GIFT4DAD code to order more Snapfish products for myself as well as for my dad.

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