Parenting Blog

How To Avoid Flu-Induced FOMO

Clorox Flu FOMO

Last Christmas I gave you my heart, but the very next day you threw up everything into the toilet.

Hold up, hold up right there: that’s not at all how the song goes. As bad as that tune is, and let’s not mince words, it is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E, I’ve somehow managed to make it worse. Sorry, but that mangled verse pretty much describes the most terrible holiday season ever in our home. It was a decade ago when my wife and I both got slammed with the flu AND a stomach bug on the Eve – it’s the most wonderful time of the year! – forcing us to spend our daughter’s 2nd ever Christmas confined to the bedroom with buckets by our sides, while our toddler commandeered the house like an adorable, pine-scented little lonely dictator. Screen time limits? What screen time limits?! Suddenly, while doubled over a bowl and amidst piles of soggy tissues, we had the worst kind of FOMO imaginable.

Being sick is the worst but missing something special because of being sick is the worstest (made-up word). That’s called FluFOMO, the fear of missing out (FOMO) because you and/or your family are sick. Had a decade ago been right now (whoa, that some crazy Inception-level mind-bendy stuff right there!), my wife and I could’ve had a head’s up on the severity of cold and flu and ‘bug’ season in our local area with the brilliant Sickweather app (for Google Play, iTunes App Store and Apple Watch) and maybe we would’ve known to wipe down Every. Single. Thing. with Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes to help us avoid coming down with ‘the sickness’. That would have been helpful but right now wasn’t then, but right now is right now and hey look at us having this helpful conversation!

Clorox Flu FOMO

Not only does Sickweather keep you up to date on the germs as the spread around you, literally, with their tracker but with a click of the Sickweather Sympathy Button, you can send an offer for Clorox Disinfecting products to family, friends or to your co-workers, those overachievers who bravely, but annoyingly, keep showing up to work all stuffy and sniffly, to help them help you not get sick. Because as we discussed at the top, being sick is the worst. That clever Sympathy button is a feature in the Sickweather app, it’s in every Group in fact, and creating or joining a Sickweather Group with colleagues, friends, neighbors, school parents, etc is a cinch.

This year, Clorox® is partnering with Sickweather to help prevent FluFOMO and I’m partnering with Clorox to tell you all about this slice of modern sympathetic brilliance that might just help you and your kids not suffer a case of FluFOMO this cold and flu season.

OWTK is a Clorox #CLXChampion this year and was compensated for this story. All opinions expressed above are honest and unbiased, as always. Seriously, Sickweather is super cool. Use it to track illness and share Sympathy and Clorox products, then visit for more tips and products that can help you fight the spread of germs this year.

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