Parenting Blog

A Recipe For Doing Good At Back To School Time

Add a Little Good Land O'Lakes Back to School

This is an extremely special time of year for a parent.

These weeks at the end of August and beginning of September offer us an opportunity to easily chart and document the growth of our children, without having to scroll through hard drives full of photos or pull out the buckets upon buckets of their artwork we simply cannot throw away.

Whether through a change in uniform color to signify the start of middle school (raises hand) or sneakers that once again, like some kind of dark & expensive magic, shrunk during the warm months when they were cruelly abandoned for flip-flops, the back to school season is an annual line of demarcation in childhood. It’s also the time we allow our giddy kids pick out cutesy pocket folders, Pink Pearl erasers, colorful composition books (a different color for each class!) as we share in their pensive excitement about a new adventure.

Throughout all of this, my family tries to be mindful of those who greet this time of year with worry and fear instead of joy and excitement; worry over a lack of financial resources to outfit their kids with virginal notebooks or crisp new clothes and fear about the bullying this might bring upon their children as they attempt to manage a brand new school, classroom, and peer group.

Thanks to the outstanding local Philadelphia organization, Cradles to Crayons, we’re able to help school-age kids in our community by donated money and time but most excitedly for my girls, some of the pristine back to school supplies that will stuff the brand new backpacks Cradles has collected — backpacks that will be delivered to less fortunate children so that they can walk confidently into a brand new school year. Inspired by Land O’Lakes new tagline, “Add a Little Good™”, I wanted to share something else with you, too.

Here’s our recipe for doing good in the community during the Back To School Season:

1 Ounce of Free Time

2 Cups of Empathy

3 Tbsp of Extra Money

1+ Kid(s) Who Can Appreciate The Struggles of Other Children Whom They Will Likely Never Meet

1 Outstanding Local Charitable Organization Worth Supporting

As Many Glue Sticks, #2 Pencils, Folders and Binders As You Can Get Your Hands On!

Add a Little Good Land O'Lakes Back to School

I joke, but it really is rather simple to help either a young student in need and/or your own kid’s teacher(s) who either humbly ask for a few extra reams of paper, sharpened pencils and a pack of disinfecting wipes OR teachers who submit a project to help fund a larger need like getting new books and chairs for a reading corner or instruments for music class.

However you and your kids choose to help this time of year, know that when you do good for others, you’re making the world a whole lot better of a place to live for everyone.

*OWTK is a compensated brand ambassador for Land O Lakes® this year, delivering delicious recipes to brighten up your dinner table and kid’s lunchbox this school year. All opinions express above are honest and unbiased.

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