Parenting Blog
on September 7, 2016 at 8:00 am ×
This is an extremely special time of year for a parent. These weeks at the end of August and beginning of September offer us an opportunity to easily chart and document the growth of our children, without having to scroll through hard drives full of photos or pull out the […]
Charitable Causes
on February 4, 2016 at 10:01 am ×
I rarely ever do this, but I’m cutting and pasting an email pitch I received because this idea is just so lovely and because it is written so well. There’s nothing to be gained by me re-engineering the following message. So here it is, an idea for us as families […]
Parenting Blog
on November 30, 2015 at 6:26 pm ×
I am so incredibly happy to have partnered with Life of Dad and KIND for this promotion. I contend that much of my personal success in life can be directly attributed to kindness and to gratitude. I asked this of a gigantic corporation while my entire family was away on […]
Parenting Blog
on January 8, 2015 at 11:34 am ×
Someone I know on Facebook recently posted the Taylor Swift Gift Giving 2014 video, the one where she’s excitedly wrapping surprise gifts for soon-to-be surprised fans. This random act of kindness was unmercifully shot down by a Facebook friend as a publicity stunt, with a comment akin to “if she […]
Parenting Blog
on January 7, 2015 at 3:20 pm ×
Christmas 2014 was, by any measure imaginable, the best Christmas ever in the relatively short history of my small family. The gifts were wonderful, and the thought behind each was even more so. The most exciting part of Christmas 2014 though, the part we each stopped to reflect on while […]
Parenting Blog
on April 1, 2014 at 1:28 pm ×
This post was made possible through the support of Goodwill. All opinions are my own. I might eschew the populist notion that there is something called Valentine’s Day and I don’t really acknowledge the fiction that is Father’s Day, but what I DO celebrate is Baseball Opening Day and the […]