Photos of Growing Up

The Youth of Today in Detroit

The Youth of today in Detroit

I asked for disenfranchised and I got it, in spades.

Despite this one obviously staged photograph, I do not, as a rule, try to make photos in this way. But there was just something exhilarating about this dilapidated wall of outdoor public art in the Corktown neighborhood of Detroit, the dead grasses rising from the many cracks in the pavement, and these girls — the youth of today in Detroit — that made me want to try something different, to ask for a certain kind of look from three bright young girls.

In the end, I think I captured something funny and interesting: three girls who, just moments previous to this moment, were gawking and in awe as they explored the art on this wall, acting thoroughly, 100% unimpressed.

I continue to enjoy this paradox.

Notes: the non-Bogle girl in this photograph belongs to a friend, Tom Burns, the proprietor of the Building a Library blog you should be following on Facebook. Also, this photo was taken with the Samsung NX30 camera.

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