OWTK KidLit + Comics

The World Flattened and Understood In One Hour Increments


It is undeniable that the world is, indeed, a small world after all, and shrinking more by the minute, but at the very same time it is so unimaginably large, and therefore rather difficult for adult or child to truly understand what is happening riiiiiiight…now there, there and way way way over there.

Universal truths of childhood and parenthood and living and loving and trying your darnedest to make it through another day are on such wonderful display in the new children’s book At The Same Moment Around The World by Clotilde Perrin. Your journey starts very early in Senegal before quickly heading out east with no time to spare because, in a very real sense, no time at all is elapsing. Not a drip of tea, not a bean from a farmer’s basket, not an ounce of fish hauled in during a dangerous overnight expedition. Nothing can be spared. We have places to go and people to meet today.

Page by page you will meet children in Iraq, Bulgaria, Samoa, San Francisco, Tokyo, Russia, New Caledonia and seventeen more points in between. Twenty Four locales in twenty four time zones. Experiences different and the same and exotic and mundane, all presented in a tall, thin-ish volume that is every bit as engaging on the eyes as on the ears. At The Same Moment Around The World flattens out our blue and green speckled sphere so that we might comprehend what is happening way over there while we here do this, that and the other.

A rousing success of an idea that you must own for your children ages 3-10, At The Same Moment Around The World also includes a deliciously illustrated map featuring all 24 of the children and call outs to their homes. This book is stunning in every possible way.

*A copy of At The Same Moment Around The World was provided to OWTK by Chronicle Books for review consideration. All opinions expressed above are honest and unbiased, as always.

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