OWTK Toy News & Reviews

Evilized Glumshanks And Sad Lips

I think that for any Skylanders fan, those kids and, ahem, adults, who have been playing the game from the start a few years back, there’s a fondness for Glumshanks. He’s the technically-speaking evil sidekick of Kaos, the antagonist of the entire Skylanders franchise. Up until Swap Force, Glumshanks has only appeared on screen during the cinematic interludes and there’s something extremely lovable about him, like he really would prefer to be helping the Skylanders defeat his boss but is instead stuck being demeaned and ordered around by Kaos every day.

In 2013, things are different for Glummy, because early on in Swap Force, he becomes Evilized and his cuteness is diminished greatly. Now Glumshanks is immortalized in deep dark scary purple within the new MEGA Bloks Skylanders Swap Force Boss Tank Showdown set.

And my girls don’t like it. At all.

Evilized Glumshanks_Skylanders Swap Force_Sad Lips

The set is terrific and a fun build. And the new Swappable MEGA Bloks minifigs are indeed swappable, just as the video game figures are — a very rad touch! The only issue is with the tank’s wheels but a simple toy hack fixes the immobilizing problem: simply take (or leave) the rubber tire strip off of Glumshank’s tank for smooth moving playtime on carpets or any surface high on friction. Boom. Double Boom!

Skylanders Swap Force Wash Buckler Mega Bloks

The entire new lineup of MEGA Bloks Skylanders Swap Force building sets continue the offline play patterns that true Skylander gamers have come to love. Check out the massive Rescue Ship with Flynn and a light up Hot Head!

*OWTK received a sample of the Glumshanks Boss Tank set for review consideration. The opinions above are honest and unbiased, as always.

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