“Claws! A Spooky Creature Feature,” the annual Halloween Open House program at the Wagner Free Institute of Science is a fun free event happening this Saturday!
Details for the event are listed below. Go and have a great time!
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CLAWS! A Spooky Creature Feature
A Halloween Family Open House featuring live animals from the Elmwood Park Zoo.
Institute open: 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Animal presentation: 1:00 PM
Activities and crafts throughout the afternoon.
You probably know that sharp claws are an adaptation for hunting prey, but did you also know that claws can be used for scratching dirt, providing traction while running, crushing and cracking shells, marking and defending territory, impressing a mate, climbing trees, and digging in the mud?
Meet a variety of live animals from the Elmwood Park Zoo and learn about how they use their claws! You might just meet a hawk, a scorpion, a skunk, an armadillo, a lizard, and a ferret!
In addition to viewing the animal presentation, children and adults are invited to explore the Wagner museum gallery, which includes many clawed-specimens. Wagner educators will lead a claw-themed scavenger hunt and claw-themed Halloween crafts throughout the afternoon.
Visitors are encouraged to come in costume (with or without claws).
Admission is FREE.
Donations of $8 for adults and $5 for children are suggested.
Activities are geared towards children aged 6-12 and their families, but visitors of all ages are sure to enjoy the day!
The presentation will be American Sign Language interpreted.