OWTK Toy News & Reviews

Get Hooked on Chain Letters


That’s the word that clinched our last game of Chain Letters for my wife. 14 stinkin’ letters, hooked together with ease.

Maybe she’ll bust out Antidisestablishmentarianism next.

Argh. She’s so annoying.

Let me be honest with you for a moment: an activity I cannot win doesn’t get ink on OWTK. I mean, why would I boast about the greatness of a game if I suck at it? Yeah, I’m a little bit competitive. I am making an exception here today because Chain Letters, a challenging new word construction game from Patch Products, is so damn good and different that, despite getting consistently dominated by the Mrs., I am still going to tell you about it.

Chain Letters Party Scene

Chain Letters proves a hilarious party game when mixed with a few adult beverages.

The board game with no board blends the delicacy of Operation, the nervous energy of Jenga, and the vocab requirements of a Dabble or Scrabble, while also demanding mental agility, focus, patience, a dash of gumption, and a bit of physical strength to hook letter after letter with your dominant arm raised in the air and the letters of your masterpiece (ooooh, that’d be a good one!) cascading down towards the orange pile of I‘s and A‘s remaining on the table.

Chain Letters Bear spelling Cotton

The Bear connecting the final letter of COTTON.

Chain Letters is as fun when played as a hotly contested 1-on-1 battle between a frustrated man and his frustrating wife, as it is when enjoyed by a raucous group during a boisterous party. I will neither confirm nor deny that a box fan and a few well-timed sneezes were used to up the ante on the Mrs’ plan to spell her maddening SAT-friendly words during our family vacation last week.

I recommend that you start doing curls with your strongest arm to build up some extra muscle while with your off hand, you take a gander at the dictionary. Oh, and buy Chain Letters of course. Otherwise you’ll have a single beefy arm and extra words floating around your head for no reason.

*A copy of Chain Letters was provided to OWTK for review consideration. The opinions expressed above are honest and unbiased, as always.

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