OWTK PHILLY LOCAL: SteveSongs (PBS Kid’s Mr. Steve) At The Art Museum

We can’t be there. And that sucks eggs. Because SteveSongs was one of the first kindie musicians we discovered 6+ years ago and one of the only we’ve NEVER seen live. Crazy, I know.

But you and your kids can be in the crowd for PBS Kids’ Mr. Steve (although he will always be SteveSongs to us) when he performs two shows at the Art Museum’s HERE COMES THE SUN event this Sunday.

I break this special event down for Philly Kids Thing this week. Go there now and read all about what is going on at Philly’s grand house of art.

Oh! And hear a track from SteveSongs’ new album Orangutan Van on the March ’13 episode of the OWTK Podcast!

*Photo by Patrick Kolts

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