[press release]
Outdoor, Free Performances of MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM
Offer Urban, Musical, Athletic and Family-Friendly Take on Shakespeare,
From REV Theatre Company
2 Shows Only! Saturday July 14 at 6PM & Sunday July 15 at 4PM
313 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia
REV Theatre Company offers free, outdoor performances of Shakespeare’s most popular
comedy, MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM on July 14 and 15. REV has presented the production
In New York, Philadelphia and Connecticut to more than six thousand people.
These performances are offered free to audiences as part of REV’s commitment to developing
new audiences for classical theatre.
This production is the perfect introduction to Shakespeare and is guaranteed to appeal to every
member of the family, with its potent brew of fantasy, romance and fun. This production is
recommended for children of all ages.
Under a real midsummer night’s sky, love-struck mortals, stage-struck mechanicals and feuding
fairies (who also sing and dance) collide one fateful night in a magical forest – of ladders, kiddy
pools and a fairy bower provide the setting for REV’s adaptation.
REV’s contemporary, updated production blends outrageously colorful costumes with urban
street chic and a glam-rock punk along with athletic staging and musical numbers ranging from
the 1930’s – Makin’ Whoopee, the 1950’s – Mr. Sandman; and the 1960’s – Dusty Springfield’s I
Only Want To Be With You.
The Stamford Advocate wrote of the production: “it is easy to understand why no other
company is capable of reinventing Shakespeare like REV” and “the company compels,
mesmerizes and delights”… “significant, exhilarating and imaginative” (Philadelphia Weekly)
Supported by the University of the Arts/Brind School, the production is directed by faculty
member Rosey Hay Artistic Director of REV Theatre Company. She was Assistant Director at
the Royal Shakespeare Company, has directed in New York, Philadelphia and regionally.
New York professional actors – Actors Equity members Rudy Caporaso (Co-Artistic Director of
REV Theatre Company) and Hillary Spector – join notable Philadelpha actors such as Victoria
Rose Bonito who recently received critical acclaim in the Philadelphia Shakespeare Theatre’s
production of Twelfth NIght as well as young professionals training at the University of the Arts.
Bring blankets or chairs and a picnic to enjoy before the performance!
Rain dates: July 21 and 22.
For further information: 201-638-8110. Reservations are not necessary.
313 S. Broad Street – next to the Broad Street Ministry, between Spruce & Pine Streets
Website: www.revtheatrecompany.org