OWTK Kindie Music News

RIP Robert Sherman

Early on in our parenting careers, years before we fully came to know of the quality music available to modern families, we turned to the Sherman Brothers’ soundtracks to the Disney classic films Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and Mary Poppins. We’d sing those amazing songs to our young children over and over again. And watch the movies as often as possible. For the Bear, this was her first taste of brilliant music and of musicals. It is no accident she still loves both today.

Robert Sherman, one of the two brothers responsible for all of that legendary music, passed away yesterday.

In his honor, I present to you quite possibly his most famous song, from Mary Poppins. “But better use it carefully, or it could change your life”:

And also a clip of Julie Andrews & Dick Van Dyke discussing the song in a snippet from the documentary film The Boys: The Sherman Brothers’ Story (which I had never seen or heard of until 5 minutes ago. Now, a must watch!):

And finally, my personally favorite Sherman Brothers tune, “Truly Scrumptious” from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. A song that, along with “Hushabye Mountain”, I still sing to The Mouse at every single naptime:

Thank you for the music and the memories, Mr. Sherman.

Look at this Sherman Brothers Songbook collection of tunes, 49 in all, for $16! Sold!

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