OWTK KidLit + Comics

Happy 300th Book, Jane Yolen

© 1999 by Jason Stemple

A couple of years ago, OWTK was fortunate enough to meet Jane Yolen and listen to her read one of her fairy books in the Enchanted Woods of Winterthur.  Surrounded by nature, far removed from the sounds of civilization proved the idealistic setting to hear Yolen read aloud.

She’s the author of my all-time favorite children’s book (Owl Moon) and has just published her 300th book!  An amazing number covering multiple genres and age groups.  She is a true American master.

NPR recently did a piece on Jane Yolen.  It’s real good.  Give it a listen here.

Amazon’s got 270 Jane Yolen books for sale. So, if you wanna get all 300, you’re going to have to dig around for the final 10% of the collection.

Happy 300th Book, Jane Yolen!

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