OWTK Kindie Music News

*UPDATED* Watch This: Mister G “Ghosts and Goblins” Live

This one is new to me, although it was published to You Tube almost 1 year ago today.  It’s Mister G performing “Ghosts and Goblins” live in front of an adoring, pint-sized fan base.  The off-mic singalong at the 2-minute mark is so energetic and exciting – with the costumed kids up front really giving it their all.

This fantastic Halloween tune is from Mister G’s debut album “Pizza for Breakfast”.

Enjoy “Ghosts and Goblins” by Mister G:

**UPDATE** Be sure to tune in to the Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child kid’s radio show this Saturday morning (or subscribe to the podcast on iTunes) to hear the premier of the studio version of Mister G’s “Ghosts and Goblins”!

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