The members of Recess Monkey and Harmonica Pocket, along with Caspar Babypants’ Chris Ballew (also of The Presidents of the United States of America) recently jammed and recorded a brand new kid’s song called “Vagabond Worms”.
In the good old days of, say the 90’s, I could see getting this bad boy out on a 7″ vinyl record. Maybe, since it’s 2010, we’ll soon be able to download “Vagabond Worms” for a buck online. I’ll keep ya posted should this gem become purchasable. (UPDATED 9/21 8:50 pm ET: Download the track for free! Click here)
For now, watch, listen and enjoy the very Recess Monkey “Wonderstuff”-esque song “Vagabond Worms” from the Kindiependent collective recorded in someone’s lovely living room: