Previewing The Arden Theatre’s ’10-’11 Kid’s Series


There are many things I look forward to experiencing in early-September; not sweating through 2 t-shirts a day, as one example.  But other pleasures also fall into place in the Fall.  Things like the return of pro & college football, NCAA basketball, pumpkin picking, scaring little children, apple cider, Halloween decorations, and the start of a new theater season.

One of our favorite Philly-area theater companies, the one I called “The finest theater for kids in the Delaware Valley” (see my quote above on The Arden’s 2010/2011 children’s theatre brochure), once again has a fantastic 2-show kiddie lineup.   The Borrowers, an adventure story of a tiny family living on doll furniture, will run during the months of December & January, then The Flea and the Professor, a world premiere musical based on HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN’s (The Little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling) final story, takes us into Spring 2011.

Tickets to either, or both, would make awesome holiday gifts for the young’uns in your life.  My brother’s family took the Bear and Mouse out to see If Your Give A Mouse A Cookie at the Arden last year as a Christmas gift and my girls had a blast – the ice cream from Franklin Fountain didn’t hurt!

Never heard of The Borrowers or The Flea and the Professor?  Me neither, but ya know what, I love & appreciate the lack of familiarity in the ’10/’11 series.  While I very much enjoyed Peter Pan, James and the Giant Peach, Frog & Toad, and other children’s productions from prior seasons at the Arden, I’m thrilled to see lesser-known commodities get the Arden’s 1st-class treatment.

Get your tickets now to the Arden’s new season of children’s theatre.

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