Parenting Blog

Found Money: Back to School Edition

The Bear begins 1st Grade in 11 days.

The ’10-’11 school supply list sits by the front door, waiting for a trip to our local parent/teacher store. This morning, I did a drive-by past the uniform store to check their hours. Then I thought, wait a sec, the Bear hasn’t grown much in the past two months since kindergarten ended; maybe, just maybe her khaki skorts, forest green tees and mesh gym shorts still fit. You can probably guess the result of the ‘trying-on’ portion of our morning (my post title doesn’t leave much to the imagination).

They fit! All of ’em!

This is the equivalent of finding a crisp Benjamin in her drawer.

1st Grade School Supply List

Now, if the next drawer I opened had 10 unused glue sticks, 4 fresh notebooks, and a 6-pack of pocket-folders, I’ll be a happy, happy man. A quick aside: With 20 kids in a class, each kid carrying 10 glue sticks in their holster (plus two bottles of Elmer’s), that makes 200 sticks of freakin’ glue in one classroom!!  Are the 1st grade field trips going to involve working with Habitat for Humanity to wallpaper homes?

Oh, I’m fairly certain I can wrangle up an ‘Old sock’ without putting any cash on the line.  I wonder if Digby, Billy Kelly’s manager, will be making an appearance in school this year:

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