Post Tagged with: "charity"

Giving Back To Local Kids We’ll Never Meet
Parenting Blog

Giving Back To Local Kids We’ll Never Meet

Christmas 2014 was, by any measure imaginable, the best Christmas ever in the relatively short history of my small family. The gifts were wonderful, and the thought behind each was even more so. The most exciting part of Christmas 2014 though, the part we each stopped to reflect on while […]

Doing Good This Christmas
Parenting Blog

Doing Good This Christmas

Six and a half years ago when I left my white collar job for the sweatpants and pot and pans of the at-home life, I had a grand vision. Well, I had a few grand visions, the first of which was dashed on day one when I set up my […]

Photo by Kevin Fry
OWTK Kindie Music News

Recess Monkey Win The ALS #IceBucketChallenge

To be honest, I’m not the type to spend too much time watching videos of any sort on the internet. It’s the contrarian in me. Lots of people do it? Ok, I’m going the other way. Therefore, I haven’t seen too many ALS Ice Bucket Challenges, but I cannot imagine […]

OWTK PHILLY LOCAL: Gavin’s Playground Project Fundraiser

OWTK PHILLY LOCAL: Gavin’s Playground Project Fundraiser

A young boy leaves the Earth and the world gets better because of his heroism and the proud memory of his short time that so many carry forward with them forever. That’s what we tell ourselves to ease the pain of the brutal reality in front of our pained faces. […]

Spring Into Cleaning and Help Create Jobs in Your Community
Parenting Blog

Spring Into Cleaning and Help Create Jobs in Your Community

This post was made possible through the support of Goodwill. All opinions are my own. I might eschew the populist notion that there is something called Valentine’s Day and I don’t really acknowledge the fiction that is Father’s Day, but what I DO celebrate is Baseball Opening Day and the […]

A Boy’s Life Is Changed On A Jamaican Road #GivingTuesday
Parenting Blog

A Boy’s Life Is Changed On A Jamaican Road #GivingTuesday

My toy chest was perpetually overstuffed, the non-union hinges worked tirelessly in cramped, turn-of-the-last-century conditions to entrap the bounty of forest green plastic soldiers and fierce-faced He-Man figures it was tasked with containing, and my husky waistline yielded incrementing evidence to the jury that I rarely missed a meal.

Running For Mo
Parenting Blog

Running For Mo

I’ll keep my weird beard and I’ll be #RunningforMo instead, to raise money for my Movember face fuzz bloggy buds.

Parenting Blog

We Can Make This Summer Hunger-Free For Millions of Kids

This post is brought to you by ConAgra Foods and The Motherhood, and I’ve been compensated for my time. However, all opinions are my own, as always. Causes get more traction when a celeb is on board (see: every single televised benefit concert after every single televised disaster), it’s the […]

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