Post Tagged with: "arts and crafts"

How To Make A Unique Homemade Mother’s Day Picture Frame
Parenting Blog

How To Make A Unique Homemade Mother’s Day Picture Frame

No artist embodies life’s wild curvatures and its massive collection of fragments stashed away and used in new ways more than Antoni Gaudí. So, for this Mother’s Day, because we just spent a glorious, 68-degree 24-hours in his glorious city of Barcelona, my two daughters made their mom a one-of-a-kind […]

The Co-Authored Book Project on Camp PBS Parents
Parenting Blog

The Co-Authored Book Project on Camp PBS Parents

I’m very happy to formally announce here that I’ll be a camp counselor of sorts over at Camp PBS Parents this summer. Every month, I’ll provide a new, fun, and educational way to engage with your child this summer. First up in the Adventures in Learning series is the co-authored […]

OWTK Philly Local: Make and Take Summer Craft Days at Monkey Fish Toys

OWTK Philly Local: Make and Take Summer Craft Days at Monkey Fish Toys

OWTK’s favorite indie toy store is now our two favorite indie two stores as MonkeyFish Toys has bloomed into a 2nd location this spring! The sequel to the popular Exton store is located in West Chester, PA and will be up and running very soon. The bigger space in WC […]

OWTK Summer Movie Mondays — Mike Adamick & Alastair Moock
OWTK Summer Movie Monday

OWTK Summer Movie Mondays — Mike Adamick & Alastair Moock

Welcome back to another installment of OWTK’s Summer Movie Monday Q&A series. This week, we speak with popular blogger and author Mike Adamick and noted family musician Alastair Moock. In the process we discover both men share a fondness for a certain 1969 adventure flick! Enjoy meeting these two brilliant […]

The Birth Of A Rainbow Addiction
OWTK Toy News & Reviews

The Birth Of A Rainbow Addiction

We were warned. Rainbow Loom is taking youth culture by storm in a way not seen since Silly Bands. And we were warned. But unlike those passive shape-based rubber bands, shapes that, regardless of how clever in the package and on the floor waiting to be vacuumed up, take on […]

Exclusive Sneak Peek of American Girl Crafts 2012 Product Line
OWTK Toy News & Reviews

Exclusive Sneak Peek of American Girl Crafts 2012 Product Line

2011 was quite a year in the hobby world as crafts overtook golf as America’s #1 hobby-related pastime (in total sales). For reals. Seems knitting is way more relaxing than shanking yet another 4-iron into the deep rough.  Personally, I’m torn there.  Both fall on the wrong side of the […]

Frugal Fun for Kids: Holiday Catalog Cut & Paste Crafts
Frugal Fun For Kids / Parenting Blog

Frugal Fun for Kids: Holiday Catalog Cut & Paste Crafts

If you’ve been putting off that long overdue mailbox expansion, now’s the time to get ‘er done! Because we’re only weeks away from holiday catalog season, those fun couple of months when we’ll be bombarded daily with a glossy assortment of toys, clothes, gifts, and gadgets. Before you toss ’em […]

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